The Myth of Motivation & The 5 Second Rule
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Did you know that you don’t need motivation to accomplish a goal? While it may seem odd at first, the sometimes uncomfortable hurdle of taking action is often the magic you need for inspiration to come into play. “While you’re waiting on motivation, motivation is waiting on you. Because committed action comes first and motivation comes second” (Psychology Today). This concept, called the “myth of motivation,” challenges the popular ideal that motivation drives action.
For example, let’s say your goal is to cook healthy meals at home rather than ordering takeout. It’s easy to push off this action by stopping at a McDonald’s after a long day of work instead of preparing a meal at home. However, the best way to motivate this behavior is to make a decision to stop by the grocery store to pick up your cooking ingredients. This tiny initial action is the first step to creating the momentum that you desire. Once you’ve taken action, you’re likely to feel motivated to cook another meal in the future.
Another example falls within career development. If you’re feeling stuck at your job, your goal may be to switch careers. Instead of spending your evenings at home stressing about your job, take action by updating your resume, upskilling, networking, and applying for jobs. These actions will motivate you to land a better job. When goals feel overwhelming, it’s helpful to ask the question: What is the smallest action I can take right now that will get me moving in the right direction?
So, how do you act on something without waiting for motivation? Mel Robbins, a motivational speaker, best-selling author, and lawyer, shared the 5 Second Rule during her speaking engagements. The 5 Second Rule suggests that a person only has five seconds to take physical action on a thought. After that, the brain kills the idea, and we get stuck in the “I’ll-do-it-later” cycle. The 5 Second Rule prevents a person from putting off a task that can benefit them personally or professionally.
So, next time you think “I need to work on my resume but I don’t feel motivated” - find a way to open your computer in five seconds or less and watch as the magic unfolds.
If you’re interested in learning more about the 5 Second Rule, check out Robbin’s best-selling book, “The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage,” which is available in digital and hard copies on her website.