Considering a Career Change? Use Free or Low Cost Career Tests


If you find yourself in a job or career that no longer meets your criteria for career success, it might be time for a career change. If you are considering a career change, use free or low cost career tests to help you develop your next career move.

Everyone has a list of different criteria for what career success means to them. These criteria could include wage levels or benefits, community, workplace power or occupational prestige. Regardless of our personal measures for career success, there are two basic key criteria that everyone considers fundamental to long term career satisfaction. One criteria is the ability to earn a living doing something we enjoy and the second criteria is that we have opportunities to keep growing professionally, regardless of the work we do. If either of these two basics are missing, people tend to consider a career change.

To successfully execute a career change, it is important to learn more about your V.I.S.A., or your Values, Interests, Skills, and Abilities, as well as your personality. These five factors will impact success after a career change. To begin working on your career change, career tests can be used to assist with the personal reflection needed to discover skills, values, interests, personality and abilities.

Before you start looking at career tests to help you with a career change, a few words of caution. No career test will give a clear path to one perfect career. Career tests won’t tell you what you should be or what you should do or where you will end up after your career change. The results from these three career tests, however, will offer a framework within which to start exploring career options as you transition through your career change.

Type Focus

Type Focus career test explores personality through responses to 66 questions. The Type Focus career test reveals personality type and offers help in setting a career direction.

Career Key

The Career Key has been around since 1997 and has been taken online free by millions of users. It is available now for $9.95. The Career Key is based on the Holland theory of career choices.

Keirsey Temperament Sorter

The Keirsey Temperament Sorter uses 70 questions to help users uncover personality type and possible career direction based on temperament.

Need help making your next career move? Use our career insights tool to research education and certifications needed to succeed in your field, salary ranges in your profession, and the overall prospects of your industry.