4 Approaches to Dealing with a Toxic Boss at Work
Photo by Godisable Jacob
We’ve all heard the stories, or have been subject to toxic bosses ourselves. Whether it’s bullying, scapegoating, manipulation or dismissiveness – dealing with a toxic boss can negatively impact your mental health, damage your sense of psychological safety, and make success seem difficult.
Before you begin searching for new employment, consider the following suggestions for how to deal with a toxic boss.
Build a Supportive Network
There are a few benefits to surrounding yourself with supportive colleagues. Colleagues can confirm your perspective so that you do not feel alone in your evaluation of the situation. They can also help you maintain your career narrative. Your colleagues can attest to your value and successes, especially if a boss is presenting an alternative false narrative. Additionally, a support system of colleagues, mentors and friends can act as a sounding board for tough work situations.
Create Boundaries & Document
Establish and enforce solid boundaries with your boss. Protect yourself by firmly defining acceptable interactions. U.S. News explains that there are legal ramifications for discrimination and harassment. Thus, document negative events, retribution, unfair treatment, abusive actions and the like, lest you need to seek intervention from HR or escalate things further.
Self-Awareness and Self-Management
Even though your boss may 100% be at fault, they are still in a leadership position and can impact your employment status. Therefore, you need to have a keen sense of your own weaknesses or triggers and regulate your emotions and responses. Simple activities like exercise, learning relaxation techniques and taking time off can assist your self-management. In addition, learning relaxation techniques can help you destress after a taxing work day.
Focus on Personal Growth and Career Development
It is easy to get bogged down in the mire of toxicity. Stay above the fray by setting your own goals and taking advantage of professional growth opportunities through training and certifications.