The HBCU Career Center

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Learning to Code - The Ultimate Cheat Sheet

There are a ton of people exploring the idea of learning to code.

Where are people learning to code?

Coding boot camps, coding camps and coding dojos are popping up everywhere.While the jury is still out on whether or not the government should offer financial aid to students signing up for coding boot camps, (See article titled: Great! Now Washington Wants to Ruin Coding Boot Camps), a lot of people are getting excited about learning to code.If you have set your next career goal as learning to code, Muse has put together an awesome infographic to help you make a decision about which computer language you might want to study.Check out their Simple Guide to Figuring out Which Programming Language to Learn.After perusing this infographic they call the "ultimate cheat sheet" you might be able to decide which software language you want to jump into first.They go through program by program rating key criteria such as difficulty of the language, ease of use and where in industry you would find that type of software.  Best part? They tell you where the jobs are and what salaries to expect. They also give you a little bit of history of the language.The languages include Python, Java, C, C++, Javascript, C#, Ruby, PHP and Objective C.