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10 Health Hacks to Supercharge Your Career this Year

“New year, new me” is a common phrase uttered by many who plan to transform their lives in the new year. This could mean being more optimistic, leaving toxic relationships, or making better decisions about their careers.

As we settle into the second month of the year, it isn’t too late to think about what career goals you want to achieve. However, as you plan out your goals, it’s also essential to think about your health. Job burnout and the stress of finding a new job are just a few factors that can affect your overall health and well-being. 

With this in mind, it’s crucial to consider ways to ensure you’re focusing on your career journey and health needs.

Here are ten ways to focus on your health this year to guide your career journey.

Limit screen time

Many jobs require you to stare at a screen for most of your workday. Or, during leisure time, you may spend hours on your phone. Ultimately, prolonged screen time can cause physical strain on your eyes and body.  

While you may not be able to stop looking at your computer at work, you can set limits so that you can rest your eyes. For example, the 20-20-20 rule recommends that every 20 minutes, you should look at something roughly 20 feet away for 20 full seconds to prevent eye strain.

Practice good posture 

It’s essential to be mindful of your posture. This is especially true if you’re sitting at a desk for most of the day. Over time, bad posture can cause back pain, spinal dysfunction, rounded shoulders, and other health problems. Correcting your sitting posture can prevent unwanted health issues. 

This guide can help you improve your sitting posture.

Set aside time for physical activities

Physical health is essential for optimal health. According to the CDC, adults should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and two days of muscle training. In addition, exercise releases endorphins, which are feel-good hormones that can boost your overall mood and motivate you to get work done.

Take breaks regularly 

Burnout can quickly happen when you’re not taking enough breaks to rest your mind. So, avoid skipping lunches and take a few 15-minute breaks throughout the day. You can take a walk, read a book, talk with a friend, or even meditate during breaks. Whatever activity you choose should allow you to destress and relax.

Have “me time”

Do you set aside enough time for yourself? Life can get busy sometimes, but it’s crucial to carve out some time to do the things you enjoy the most. Whether going on a shopping spree, taking a long drive, getting a nice massage, or binge-watching your favorite Netflix show, ensure that you prioritize time with yourself.

Set boundaries

When you let your job bleed into your personal life, it can feel like your life revolves around work. So set boundaries by silencing email and Slack notifications when you’re away from work, and take that PTO when you need to. 

Clear your workspace

When was the last time you cleaned and organized your desk? A cluttered workspace isn’t motivating when it comes to getting work done. An unclean environment can limit your brain’s ability to focus and process information” (Pick the Brain). So, try to keep your workspace clutter-free so that you can be more productive in completing your tasks. 

Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness can involve meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and other practices. The benefits of mindfulness are stress relief, lowered blood pressure, reduced chronic pain, improved sleep, decreased job burnout, and more. You can incorporate mindfulness techniques into your daily schedule both at work and at home to help reduce stress. 

Get enough sleep

It’s recommended that adults aged between 18-60 should get at 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Getting a good night’s rest can improve your mood, brain performance, and health. However, being sleepy at work can take a toll on your job performance, as you can have trouble concentrating, learning, and communicating. So, set a specific sleep time to ensure that you’re catching enough Zs. 

In addition, it’s important to avoid using your phone or other electronic devices for at least 30 minutes before bed. This is because electronic devices contain blue light, which your brain “perceives as sunlight, tricking it into delaying sleep and keeping you awake longer than you’d like” (Sleep Foundation).

Learn how to manage stress

Whether you’re currently working, on the job hunt, or just dealing with the challenges we face daily, you likely get stressed sometimes. Having stress management techniques are essential for keeping your stress levels low. You can combine many of the tips as mentioned above to create effective methods for managing stress.

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